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A place for us to share our adventures, knowledge and insights into the work we do at Forest School Cabins

Starting out on your new business journey can be daunting. Perhaps you don't feel confident with accounting? Where do you even begin with ordering supplies at the best price? How can you save money in these early days?

We've put together a list of our top 5 startup business tools. 

1. Amazon Business
Chances are, like the rest of us you have an Amazon account. For most small businesses, buying supplies can be time-consuming and frustrating. You'll receive endless catalogues once you have registered your business with Companies House. By far, Amazon is still our go to. With next day delivery, quick and easy payment, and ultra-reliable customer service, what's not to like? Our top tip is to go straight for the Amazon Business account rather than using your own account. You'll have better rates for bulk buys, like those big 5 litre bottles of liquid soap! You'll get a proper invoice (which your accountant will thank you for). It also ensures that you keep business records separate from your personal records - always easier come accounts submission day! You can either set up a new free account or convert your own account to a business account. Find out more here.

2. Facebook
Love it or hate, you'll need a facebook page for your business. Most of your audience will be using Facebook, so this is a must for advertising locally. Start here to explore how to set up a Facebook Business Page.

3. Website
Create your own website from scratch. We have used Wix with many of our nature nursery startup clients. The editor is simple to use and you can choose from one of the many templates available (or create your own). No html or coding experience necessary.

4. Accounting
BulletHQ is a completely free solution for accounting. However, as we grew, we wanted something with a simple add on payroll system, which meant migrating to a paid for accounts system. This was a real headache. We'd recommend going straight for Quickbooks, which includes integrated payroll software. It is easy to use and will grow with you and your business as you need more functions.

5. Mandatory Training
Online training will save you a lot of time and money. A lot of the essential training can be done online. We recommend Virtual College - they have great offers, particularly if you need a few courses. Food Hygiene, Fire Safety, and Safeguarding are really good courses that meet regulatory requirements. The online software is really intuitive and easy to navigate as well. 

Forest School Cabins

Nature Nurtures
Top Barn Farm
Holt Heath
United Kingdom

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